Diego Dinosaur Rescue

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Introduction Diego Dinosaur Rescue

Diego Dinosaur Rescue is a delightful and engaging game that invites players to join Diego and his friends on a thrilling adventure set in the prehistoric era. The main mission is to help a lost Maiasaura dinosaur find her family. This game combines elements of exploration, problem-solving, and teamwork, making it an ideal choice for young players and fans of the popular Diego character.

The Storyline

In Diego Dinosaur Rescue, the story begins with a Maiasaura dinosaur who has lost her way and is desperate to reunite with her family. Diego, a well-known animal rescuer, steps up to the challenge with the help of his friends. Together, they embark on an exciting journey through various prehistoric landscapes, encountering different types of dinosaurs and overcoming numerous obstacles along the way.

Key Characters


  • Role: The main protagonist and animal rescuer.
  • Abilities: Knowledgeable about dinosaurs, resourceful, and brave.
  • Objective: Lead the mission to find Maiasaura's family.


  • Role: Diego's sister and fellow rescuer.
  • Abilities: Expert navigator and problem solver.
  • Objective: Assist Diego in navigating the prehistoric world and solving puzzles.

Baby Jaguar

  • Role: Diego's loyal companion.
  • Abilities: Agile, quick, and helpful in tight situations.
  • Objective: Provide assistance in physical tasks and help overcome obstacles.


Using Mouse.


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